240 viviendas – Esteban Echeverría

m2 builtCivil Works:
Construction of 240 two and three-bedroom duplex houses each, totaling 16 blocks with an approximate covered area of 16,000 square meters.
Approximately 90,000 square meters of land bounded by Neuquén Street, Juan Hernández Street, and Arenales Street in Monte Grande Sur, Esteban Echeverría.
Enquire about available units
Contact Information:
- +54 011 7078-0105
- recepcion@niroconstruye.com
- Av. San juan 1119, CP 1147
>Información de contacto:
- +54 011 7078-0105
- recepcion@niroconstruye.com
- Av. San juan 1119, CP 1147